Saturday 11 December 2010

#Reverb10 - Things

Prompt: 11 Things. What are 11 things your life doesn't need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life? 

In his book, 50 Things Your Life Doesn't Need, some of the 'things' Sam Davidson writes about aren't 'things' at all, but dynamics, burdens or expectations. Included on the list are:
* Drama - most crises are needless
* Five thousand Facebook friends
* A long commute - Distance makes your heart grow angrier

Thought provoking stuff. Here is my list of 11 things my life doesn't need in 2011, and my plan for eradicating them. 

1. The Camper Van Money Box from Mum
Oh, there's guilt attached to this one. The thing is, I use it, but I don't love it. It's got to go. Anybody want a money box? 

2. Coffee
Ah, the aroma of that first morning cup. It smells pretty enticing, doesn't it? What's not so enticing is the jittery, jagged, jumpy feeling that comes with it. A cup of tea is a ritual, but a cup of coffee is a drug. I've already said goodbye to coffee, after an on-off, will-she/won't-she relationship with it spanning many years. Sure, I'll miss the multitude of options available to me when I visit a coffee shop, the glamour and seduction of a skinny wet one (oo-er), but perhaps this simplification of what I'm willing to put into my body is a reflection of what I'm intending to invite into my life. My intent for 2011 is to keep the door firmly closed to those pesky little brown beans.

3. Unforgiveness (also known as resentment, fear, boredom, gossip, judgement, loathing, jealousy, withholding, self-hatred, criticism, self-centredness, the shitty committee)
"'Love will enter immediately into any mind that truly wants it, but it must want it truly.' - ACIM"
Love... I want you! I have had a glimpse, probably just a tiny glimpse, of how possible it can be to live from a place of extending Love, rather than running on fear. I have been shown the way out of hell, and the more I practice saving myself when I'm in a place of fear and pain, the more I come to realize that freedom and peace are within my grasp - every single moment
How could I want for the ego's shabby offerings when love is available to me in every moment? And so, I declare once again that I stand for the Truth of Innocence and I invite Spirit in to help me let go of unforgiveness in all its guises: resentment, fear, boredom, gossip, judgement, jealousy, withholding, self-hatred, criticism, self-centredness and the shitty committee that seems to think it has a right to live in my head. You lot are so out of date.

4. Dirt
Note to self - must clean more often. 
Note to reader - this is mostly make up. 
Note to ego - it doesn't bloody matter!

5. Spare Set of Sheets that are living under my bed
Why are they there? Where did they come from? And what colour are they exactly? Sorry sheets - time to go.
* Turns out I already got rid of them! Victory! * What shall I get rid of instead? Oh! My ipod totally broke this morning on my run. It's four years old, been on the brink of a breakdown for a while. It's Auf Wiedersehn methinks. (It got stuck in the middle of 'Mary Jane' by Alanis Morrisette, in case you were wondering)

6. The 'Sweet Dreams' Eye Mask from Helen
Another gift, and sadly, another 'thing' that just takes up space in my life. Sorry, eye mask - it's time for us to say goodnight

7. Red Makeup Bag
Another gift from Mum. To be fair, this one's lasted a couple of years, but I do not like it, so why do I keep it in my life?!

8. Blue 'Gap' Scarf
Another gift - ouch! I really like this one, but don't ever, ever wear it. It's always there when I open my cupboard. I think I know someone who'll appreciate this though... 

9. Too many passions
Reading a few pages from Sam Davidson's book, he says some interesting stuff about having too much in your life. Every single human on the planet is equal in terms of how many hours a day we're given. The number is 24. We are recommended to sleep for 8 of them. That leaves 16 hours for work, family, friends, food, bathing, commuting, meditating, relaxing, rehearsing, writing, reading, connecting, driving, eating, having sex, bike riding, running, dreaming, crying, laughing, praying, sweating, and of course, clearing. 
Having too many passions always leaves me feeling spread very thin on the ground. In 2011, I'm going to be playing the part of Lily in Annie opposite Nige's Rooster. I'm going to be blogging. I'm going to be dancing, riding my bike, and being in Love. I'm going to be doing the work on myself. I don't think I need to learn how to play the piano just yet, or the guitar, or how to speak French. If new things come my way, that'll be marvellous, but I'm committed to not over-committing.

10. Taking myself too seriously
I commit to seeing things differently until all I see is the Love in any situation. Including myself. As a child, I was branded a drama queen, someone who thought the world revolved around her, someone who should 'get on your bike' (i.e. a bullshitter), and a cry baby. Learning to laugh at myself and just do as Frankie says has been tough, and I'm not quite there yet. (Frankie says 'RELAX', by the way.)
I will clear over and over and over again. I will spend time in meditation. I will pray. I will spend time watching the birds fly and swoop. I will look into his eyes and allow myself to be seen. I will sing like nobody's listening, even when they are. And I will forgive, laugh and let it all bloody go!

11. Needing to prove that I have done all of these things
The solid, tangible items are easily let go of. The other things are deeply rooted patterns that take time, dedication and miracles to truly transform. Like I said in my last post - what if there was nothing to prove? 
I don't want to live my life believing that I have to prove my worth. It's something I seem to 'just do', at work, in my relationship with Nige, and especially in my family. Maybe 2011 could be the year of 'Nothing to prove. If I run the half marathon, it'll be because I want to. If I do well at work, it'll be because I allowed myself to blossom rather than forced myself to perform. If my living circumstances change, it'll be because the time was right, rather than because I 'made' it happen. And if nothing changes at all... I'll take responsibility for the thoughts I think until I return to a state of love and peace.

Doing this piece of work this evening has been awesome. It was harder than I thought it'd be. What thing(s) do you NOT need in your life in 2011? How will your life change without them?

Thank you, #Reverb10!


Nige said...


Elan said...

oh man the coffee one get me. I too must one day say goodbye to the little brown beans. I dont know when that day will be...

Brooke said...

"'ll be because I want to... If I do well at work, it'll be because I allowed myself to blossom rather than forced myself to perform. If my living circumstances change, it'll be because the time was right, rather than because I 'made' it happen. And if nothing changes at all... I'll take responsibility for the thoughts I think until I return to a state of love and peace."

You are seriously tuned in for me, Elloa. Don't worry if you can't wade through the amount of comments from me this evening.

So, this quote resonated big with me, at the perfect moment. You giving yourself permission to be gentle on yourself helps me.

Also, FYI, in case you haven't tried, there are ways to reset the IPOD. I've done it when I thought mine was a gonner, and they are good as new:)