Friday 26 August 2011


It isn't
that I'm flying high,
dancing through meadows or
frolicking in oceans
right now.
My happiness
is simpler
than that,
wrapped deceivingly in
a double decker journey,
studying gaits,
noticing colours 
and feeling
my aching feet
make contact with
the floor, warm and
like a stone I
found on a beach

It's knowing that
this moment is
and I its Queen;
that watching 
people carry shopping and
old people grow
is perhaps the most precious
of experiences, for 
in them lies
the key to enlightenment - 
"chop wood, carry 
and then
"I am not a body - 
I am free."

Children will play.
Girls will look
effortlessly beautiful
and not realize it until
many years later.
Feet will ache,
and in and out I breathe.
conscious, slowly,
of the neverending presence
of love
in me.


Anonymous said...

So beautiful, Dear Elloa. Your words always touch my heart so deeply. So much love to you.

Brooke said...

I love this. It expresses where you are so beautifully. I love 'knowing that this moment is Kin and I its Queen'. I love how this speaks of it being our beloved. I love your beautiful soul.

Nige said...

Beautiful Ell,
This poem is like an entire lifetime wrapped up in a single breath. You are amazing!

Love Nige X