Friday 29 April 2011


Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes we won the bike yes yes yes yes yes yes after months of looking yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes our shared dream and vision of touring has suddenly become a step closer yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes woooooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooo!

I've been so all over the place, for so many weeks, that this feels like fresh rain after a long, dry spell. 

I've felt scattered, not sure what my dreams are, where my heart is, not liking who I am and how I show up in my relationship with Nige, and suddenly, a bike turns up (after weeks of Nige looking) - and a new perspective opens up to me.

I am so grateful. (And secretly, just between you and me, I just knew that that bike was mine as soon as i saw it - my palms started sweating, my pulse rate shot up, adrenaline started pumping through me, and yet I held it lightly for five days, and lo and behold!)

Thank you, Nige.
Thank you, Universe or stars or whoever it is that set up this beautiful piece of synchronicity.
Thank you.

And.... YES!


Julia said...


I'm here celebrating with you, sweet girl!

And saying YES!

Sending so much love your way. Enjoy that beautiful bike!

<3 Julia

Brooke said...

Yipee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel such freedom, possibility and great joy in this post! Thank you for sharing!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Elloa, I am cheering with you!!!!! Your excitement is so palpably contagious! YES, YES, YES! Love to you.