Thursday 1 September 2011

The Forgiveness Project

Nige and I have been pondering... What would happen if you spent 30 days focussing on forgiving everyone who angers or upsets you in any way - and we mean everyone? Whether it's mild irritation, medium road rage or a fully blown fit of hysteria, forgiveness, we've found, is always the antidote that can help us move from fear to love.

What is forgiveness, anyway? Well for starters, it's a letting go of control and a need to be right (ouch!), genuinely putting myself into another person's shoes and truly recognizing that everything that another person seemingly does to me is either an extension of love, or a cry for it (yes, that does include the ignorant van driver who drives within a hair's breadth of me on my bike - yes, even that is a cry for love). Through practicing radical forgiveness, the heart bursts open to a new way of thinking and living, in which innocence becomes the order of the day.

So, for the next 30 days, this is exactly what Nige and I are going to do. Inspired by the amazing 41 day projects Julia has done this year, and reflecting on Nige's 104 day experiment in conscious dying, aware of how quickly a month seems to pass by, and so excited about starting the Screw Work Let's Play 30 Day Challenge on 1st October, now - this day, this moment - seems like the perfect time to begin a forgiveness project.

Love waits on welcome. To the degree that we are judging our fellow human beings is to the degree that we are refusing to let love into our lives. Not content with just coasting along, doing the work of forgiving when it's so intense that we can't carry on our day without doing it, we are, for the next 30 days, committing to forgive all of it.

If we truly take this to heart - and we mean, truly take it to heart, really, really forgiving everyone - and apply it in our everyday lives, then we will be doing our bit for world peace. We're talking about everything here, from the idiot on the road to world leaders, to the friends we secretly judge, to our families, our annoying neighbours, and especially, each other. We will leave no stone unturned. After all, what's the worst that could happen here? We might actually end up liking the arsehole. Woah!

On a serious note, this is about accountability. It's a revolution in how we speak, how we think, how we act, and it starts in the mind. It's about refusing to point the finger, and, when we do, forgiving ourselves anyway and letting it all go.

We would love for you to join us on this epic adventure. Get involved by leaving comments, blogging about it yourself and sending us a link, or going within and doing the work quietly - whatever suits you.

Let the forgiveness revolution begin...

... hand in hand.


aLifeness said...

Right, so I've just been waiting for something like this, something that gives me the final push to practice forgiveness on a daily basis. Not just when i feel all spiritual and loved up anyway, no especially on those days when i feel the world is not a nice place and everyone is annoying and triggering me.

so I too raise to the challenge of truly practicing forgiveness on a daily basis and i commit to posting about how im getting on with it on my blog

thanks El and Nige for this encouragement and push to see the world and everyone in it through different eyes x

Eydie Kugler said...


Your forgiveness revolution came at a perfect time for me.

Thank you for giving me the gift of reflection. and forgiveness.

Big hugs

Julia said...

Beautiful BEings. I love you two.

As I was reading this beautiful piece of writing I was thinking about how I typically forgive others fairly quickly...and then, half way through reading, it occurred to me that it's myself I have a hard time forgiving. When I am less than patient with my girls, when I seem to not be DOing enough/giving enough--I can be hard on myself...that hardness can lead to anxiety & overwhelm.

Thank you so much for this invitation to let go and be soft--to love me more. And others too.

Love and more love to both of you. xo

@frankmason1 (twitter) said...

Hi Elloa,

Came across your blog via twitter and SWLP (30DC related)..

i am LOVING your stuff here... including the forgiveness project but also your other pages and thoughts... your blog is a breath of fresh air and really put a smile on my face and in my heart today.. thank you..

Best Wishes, Frank